Digital Nomads

by Location Taroudant

In recent years, more and more entrepreneurs, teleworkers, and freelancers have decided to travel while managing their professional activities online. They are called “digital nomads”.

The blogger Kalagan, a digital nomad since 2011, explains what digital nomad means, and which professions are concerned and gives us some advice for making a success of your travel project while working online.

Body of the article « Digital nomad »,

what does it mean?

A digital nomad is a person who manages his professional activities online while having mobility allowing him to travel. Thanks to a Wifi or mobile connection that can now be found in all countries of the world, he works on the move, from his temporary residences abroad, hotels, cafes, coworking spaces… Managing his activities 100% online, he is free to have a nomadic life, travel full time, or spend part of the year in the parts of the world he prefers. Today, the digital nomad community numbers several tens of thousands of online workers. The English term has been franchised into « digital nomad » or « digital nomad ».

What jobs can digital nomads do?

There are 3 categories of online jobs that digital nomads can pursue. Freelance: Today, there are hundreds of freelance jobs online. Successful entrepreneur: many web entrepreneurs who have managed to have a profitable business ask themselves the following question one day: « 

what if I go abroad for a few months while continuing to manage my activities?

 » New encounters, new business opportunities, market opening, learning a new language, tax optimization… Being mobile and going to live abroad can be very advantageous for a web entrepreneur.

It also allows him to change his routine and add a little adventure to his career.

Teleworkers: the number of companies that recruit digital nomads into their ranks is still marginal. That said, it is becoming more and more democratized in the United States, mainly in Silicon Valley.

Companies like Automatic, Buffer, or Todoist have set an example by hiring dozens, if not hundreds of digital nomads around the world. Being an employee in this type of business allows, in addition to geographic freedom, professional and personal development.

This also makes it possible to benefit, in certain countries, from a better climate, a better standard of living, or a lower cost of living than that of the major Western metropolises. Companies like have specialized in recruiting digital nomads.

A non-exhaustive list of jobs that can be exercised as a digital nomad:

Web developer Mobile application developer Graphic designer Online Marketing Specialist Advertising expert

(Facebook or Google) SEO Expert Community Manager Web writer (SEO or freelance) Translator, transcriber virtual assistant Online trainer or teacher Youtuber/Vlogger professional blogger Professional photographer Trader Accounting Psychology online… 

5 important tips for digital nomads Confirmed digital nomad, I help new online workers take the plunge every week.

the 5 most important tips I give them:

1. Don’t be a year-round tourist

Traveling as a digital nomad is not easy. Holidays should not be confused with working abroad, in extraordinary conditions (climate, atmosphere, landscapes, cost of living, etc.).

Take regular vacations, of course, but don’t be a year-round tourist. 

2. Take care of your work environment

The working environment is one of the most important factors for being productive in one’s activity.

So be sure to choose hotels or temporary accommodation where you can work in good conditions: a table or desk, space, light, internet connection… Also have one or two places outside to work (cafés, co-working…).

3. Manage your budget and income correctly

As an entrepreneur or freelancer, you are most likely going to have a bumpy income.

Sometimes the incomes are very good, sometimes they are lower.

Even if you’re abroad and want to go on excursions every day, set a budget and stick to it.

4. Don’t go around the world (take your time)

Prefer immersion travel to compulsive and round-the-world travel.

Why not stay 3 months in the same country to learn a foreign language?

If you change cities every 2-3 days and only stay a few weeks in each country you visit, you will get tired and spend way too much time on transport. Take your time and travel slowly.

5. Travel light!

This advice, all great travelers will give to you. It is all the most relevant to travel light when you are a digital nomad.

Because inevitably, in addition to your personal belongings, you will have to travel with your mobile office: laptop, headset for video conferences, notebook(s)… So choose minimalism and travel as much as possible. possible light.

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