Souss-Massa: 65 projects benefiting from a financing of 37.7 billion dirhams.

by Location Taroudant

Le Programme de développement régional du Souss-Massa s'appuie sur 7 piliers stratégiques, dont le troisième pilier est dédié à l'équité territoriale et environnementale. Ce pilier représente 42% du budget total alloué, qui s'élève à 37,7 milliards de dirhams. Parmi les 65 projets prioritaires du programme, 18 projets ont été identifiés comme étant de nature structurante. Voici quelques détails à leur sujet.

Regional development roadmap.

A study regarding the development and implementation of the future Regional Development Program (PDR) for Souss-Massa is set to be approved soon. This plan outlines the development actions for the next six years (2022-2027). The 65 projects identified as priorities are distributed among 23 working files, awaiting official validation. Among them, there are 18 structuring projects, 38 programs, and 9 working tools mechanisms. The main objective of the PDR is to double the region's GDP by 2035 and generate 200,000 direct jobs.

The strategic pillars.

The RDP is based on 7 strategic pillars. The first pillar focuses on economic infrastructure, the second pillar concentrates on the economic fabric and employability, while the third pillar, related to territorial and environmental equity, receives the lion's share with 42% of the budget. The other pillars concern the social model, governance, connectivity and transport, as well as the strengthening of the tourism offer.

Development of economic infrastructure.

Economic infrastructure includes securing water resources, creating new economic activity zones, and developing existing ones. The RDP also includes maintaining financial incentives and establishing artisanal activity zones in the various provinces of the region.

Connectivity and transportation.

In the field of connectivity and transportation, the RDP includes seven flagship projects. This includes the expansion of Agadir Al Massira Airport, which is already underway, to accommodate a larger number of passengers and enhance air connectivity in the region. The project also involves the modernization and reorganization of the Port of Agadir, aiming to facilitate maritime transportation of goods and improve port logistics.

Another important project is the construction of an inland port in partnership with Tanger Med. This inland port will serve as a logistics platform for the transportation of goods to the interior of the country and facilitate trade exchanges. Additionally, new bypass roads will be developed to connect Anza to Aghroud and to link the south of Agadir to Tiznit via an expressway leading to the southern provinces. These improvements in the road infrastructure will help facilitate transportation and the movement of goods in the region.

Enhancement of the tourism offer.

The strengthening of the tourism offering is also a key aspect of the PDR. To achieve this, the program includes the establishment of a dedicated fund for hotel investment, aimed at encouraging the construction of new hotels and the renovation of existing infrastructure. It also aims to consolidate the rural tourism offering by developing accommodations and tourist activities in rural areas of the region.

The PDR also includes the development of new tourist zones and resorts to diversify the tourism offering and attract a larger number of visitors. Furthermore, the development of the blue economy, by sustainably harnessing marine resources, is also considered as part of strengthening the region's tourism offering.

Economic fabric and employability.

The PDR places special emphasis on the development of the economic fabric and the improvement of employability in the region. It aims to develop the argan tree ecosystems by supporting the argan oil production sector and promoting organic agricultural sectors. Additionally, measures will be taken to strengthen the cooperative fabric and support local economic initiatives.

Social and Solidarity Economy.

Another important aspect of the PDR is the development of the social and solidarity economy. A support fund will be created to provide assistance to this sector, which plays a crucial role in job creation and promoting social inclusion. Tourism promotion programs, higher education initiatives, and vocational training will also be implemented to strengthen this sector and enhance the skills of workers.

The PDR of Souss-Massa also includes measures to improve connectivity, such as the continuation of the rural road policy and a program to rehabilitate non-classified roads. The modernization of the Agadir bus station, which is currently in poor condition, as well as the expansion of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines, will also contribute to improving mobility in the region.

In conclusion, the Souss-Massa Regional Development Program is an ambitious plan aimed at stimulating economic growth, creating jobs, and promoting sustainable development in the region. With its 65 projects funded at a budget of 37.7 billion dirhams, this program will contribute to transforming Souss-Massa into a major economic, tourist, and environmental hub in Morocco. It encompasses various sectors, including infrastructure, employment, tourism, social economy, connectivity, and environmental equity, all working together to achieve the region's economic and sustainable development goals. The successful implementation of this program is expected to have a significant impact on the region's socio-economic landscape and contribute to the overall development of Morocco.Read more

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