Grapes: The first harvests are scheduled for the end of May in Morocco despite difficult weather conditions.

by Location Taroudant

The table grape season in Morocco is about to begin, but production volumes will be affected by weather conditions and drought. Discover the forecasts from Vergers du Soleil, the grape varieties, the targeted markets, and the economic challenges faced by exporters.

The harvest forecasts for the end of May are as follows:

Vergers du Soleil is pleased to announce the upcoming commencement of the first grape harvest in Taroudant by the end of May. Taking advantage of their close proximity to Europe, they aim to promptly deliver their produce to the market within the same week. Nevertheless, it should be noted that diverse regions have experienced differing impacts from prevailing weather conditions, resulting in varying yields.

Regional variations and their consequences.

Taroudant, located in southern Morocco, experienced a warm winter accompanied by negative temperatures, which had an impact on yields. However, Vergers du Soleil hopes to offset this situation with the harvest from Marrakech, where the winter was adequate, albeit delayed. They remain optimistic about the situation and hope that these variations will not become a long-term trend.

Grape varieties and harvest schedule.

Vergers du Soleil anticipates a predominantly seedless white grape harvest. The season will commence with the Early Sweet variety, followed by Arra 30 and Timpson, and conclude in July with Ivory. As for red grapes, Arra 29 will be available throughout June, followed by Krissy in July. A small production of Midnight Beauty is also expected.

The markets targeted by Moroccan exporters.

Moroccan exporters are focusing their efforts on the European market, especially Southern Europe, prior to the start of their own season. However, they also intend to expand their market share in Latin America and Africa in the future. Vergers du Soleil enjoys a privileged position with longstanding customers and a demand that exceeds their production capacity.

Economic challenges and prices.

Exporters are facing current economic challenges, including inflation and its impact on input costs. However, they do not anticipate a complete repercussion on selling prices. As a luxury product, grapes can be affected by economic slowdown, which may limit price more.

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