Project of the intra-regional desalinated water highway connecting Chtouka to Taroudant to address water scarcity.

by Location Taroudant

The Souss-Massa region in Morocco is planning to implement an intra-regional desalinated water highway project that will connect the desalination plant in Chtouka to the irrigated areas of Oulad Teima-El Guerdane and Taroudant. This project, which is part of the Regional Development Program (PDR), will be approved during an extraordinary session in June 2023. Its objective is to address the water irrigation needs of the region, especially for agricultural sectors such as citrus fruits, vegetable farming, dairy farming, and forage crops. Here are the details of the project and the challenges related to water scarcity in the region.

The intra-regional desalinated water highway project: a solution to meet irrigation needs.

The intra-regional desalinated water highway project aims to meet the irrigation water needs of the Taroudant perimeter, which plays a crucial role in the regional economy. Currently, only farms located near the Chtouka plain benefit from irrigation through the use of desalinated water. However, this project will expand the supply of irrigation water to over 50,000 hectares of agricultural land in the region.

The contribution of the Regional Council and the assessment of the mobilized water quantities.

The Regional Council will take charge of a portion of the project, particularly the installation of the water pipeline for the transportation of desalinated water. This will allow for the assessment of the quantities of water that can be mobilized, including the volumetric flow rate of the Chtouka desalination plant. The current capacity of this plant is 275,000 m3/day, with 150,000 m3/day allocated for supplying drinking water to the Agadir region and 125,000 m3/day for irrigation in the Chtouka plain. Eventually, the capacity will be increased to 400,000 m3/day, evenly distributed between drinking water and irrigation water.

The challenges of water scarcity and the urgency of anticipation.

The Souss-Massa region is facing an increasing water shortage, exacerbated by rising temperatures and repeated years of drought. This situation highlights the importance of finding sustainable solutions to ensure the water supply for irrigation purposes. The intra-regional desalinated water highway project will address this issue by utilizing existing networks to transport desalinated water to agricultural farms, thereby avoiding significant additional investments.

The critical situation of the region's dams and the urgency to take action.

The main reservoirs in the region are experiencing alarming levels of water storage, with only 17.2% of their capacity currently being utilized. Among these reservoirs, the Abdelmoumen dam in Taroudant has the most significant deficit, with a filling rate of only 5.4%. This situation highlights the urgency to take action to address the water scarcity and ensure the water supply for the region's agricultural lands.

The intra-regional desalinated water highway project between Chtouka and Taroudant is a major initiative aimed at addressing the irrigation water needs in the Souss-Massa region. It will serve over 50,000 hectares of agricultural land, thereby supporting key agricultural sectors in the region. Given the growing water scarcity and the critical situation of the reservoirs, it is crucial to act swiftly to ensure a sustainable and reliable water supply. This project, supported by the Regional Council, represents a crucial step in that more.

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