Moroccan Chicken Pastilla

by Location Taroudant

Moroccan Chicken Pastilla

Pastilla is considered a national dish in Morocco and a symbol of ancient Moroccan cuisine. It is made of a sheet of pastry called Ouarka, which is dedicated to pastilla. It is also possible to use the brick sheet.

Moving on to how to prepare the chicken pastilla and its ingredients.

The ingredients :

So, there are 4 parts the first for chicken for the ingredients we need : 1 chicken of 1.750 kg cut into quarters and skin removed, 2 kg of chopped onion, 1/2 bunch of chopped coriander, bunch of chopped parsley, 3 sticks of cinnamon, 10 pistils of saffron, 1 tsp. pepper, 2 tsp ginger, 3 pinches Ras El Hanout which adds a unique flavour, 1 tsp smen (rancid butter), 8 cl oil, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp honey, 4 eggs. For the second part for almonds : 650 g blanched almonds, 100 g icing sugar (to taste), 1 tbsp. powdered cinnamon.

Moving on to the third part for folding : 400 g pastilla sheets, 80 g butter, oil for cooking, 1 egg yolk. And finally, the last part for the decor : icing sugar, cinnamon powder.

Preparation of the pastilla :

 First, place the chopped onion, chicken, spices, rancid butter, oil and herbs in a thick-bottomed pot.

Cover the onions and cook over a low heat until the onions release their water and the chicken soaks in. Turn the chicken occasionally in the sauce.

Once the chicken is cooked through, remove it from the sauce and then debone it and cut it into pieces.

Add the honey to the onion sauce and sauté over low heat, stirring regularly.

When the onion begins to take on a jam-like consistency, remove the excess oil and reserve it for folding the pastilla.

- Add the chicken pieces to the onion sauce and then the eggs.

Cook the filling over low heat for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring gently. Remove from the heat and allow the filling to cool.

Fry the blanched almonds or toast them in the oven until they are golden.

Chop the almonds and mix with the icing sugar and cinnamon.

Mix the cooking oil from the sauce with the melted butter to coat the pastilla sheets when folding. 

Make a pastilla or mini-pastillas using the technique shown.

Brown the pastilla in a pan with hot oil or in a preheated oven at 180°C. 

Serve the pastilla hot, decorated with icing sugar and cinnamon powder and enjoy.

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