
by Location Taroudant


Le safran est un type d’épice utilisé depuis plus de 3 000 ans. Une plante cultivée  fleurissant au commencement de l’automne. Une épice riche en fer et magnésium, antioxydant, relaxant et source de vitamine B6, B9 et C.

Cette fleur se caractérise  par un goût amer et un parfum proche. De même, une épice riche de calories, riche en minéraux et en oligo-éléments.

Indeed, to obtain 1 kg of safran, 150,000 crocus flowers are needed. This plant belongs to the Iridaceae family, which also includes gladioli and irises. This flower is cultivated in particular in the town of Taliouine in the Anti Atlas region, it has a yellow-orange colour, precious for its price and rarity.

Where to use safran?

In the kitchen : Safran is used in cooking for the intense orange-yellow colour it gives to dishes and for its warm and aromatic fragrance.

Il faut infuser cette épice dans un liquide chaud de l’eau,  du bouillon, du lait, ou bien autre liquide avant de l’ajouter au plat pour qu’il ait le temps de libérer sa couleur et son arôme.

Safran has been found to be an indispensable ingredient in many dishes, for example paella in Spanish cuisine and also in Indian cuisine where it gives a unique colour to rice.

In medicine : Indeed, this spice known for its health benefits for example, fights the symptoms of colds and respiratory problems, it calms the pains of childbirth and also the first teething.

In cosmetics : Safran it embodies beauty and protects against evil spirits, and is also used as a hair dye.

What are the benefits of safran? Why eat it?

This flower has several benefits, including :

  • Safran helps to drain the liver.
  • A global anti-ageing
  • Source of iron and manganese
  • It reduces the side effects of alcohol consumption.

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