Farid Bouchama, Kabyle independence activist: The struggle of Kabylie is "existential".

by Location Taroudant

Since his participation in the Taroudant International Festival of Popular Arts in Morocco on July 7th and 8th, 2023, Farid Bouchama, a Kabyle independence activist, has granted an interview to a local media outlet to discuss the struggle of Kabylie. He emphasized that this fight holds a "civilizational, existential, and universal" dimension, while emphasizing the peaceful nature of Kabyle independence activists.

The struggle of Kabylie: civilizational, existential, and universal.

Farid Bouchama stated that the Kabyle people are engaged in a struggle that goes beyond the borders of Algeria. According to him, this fight is both "civilizational, existential, and universal," reflecting the deep desire of Kabylie to assert its distinct status. Kabyle independence activists are peaceful advocates of ideas and debates, emphasizing the right of peoples to freedom.

The participation of the "Tiɣri n Teqvaylit" troupe at the International Festival of Folk Arts in Taroudant

Farid Bouchama explained that the presence of the 'Tiɣri n Teqvaylit' troupe at the festival was on behalf of Kabylie. This participation highlighted the Kabyle people's desire to express their distinctiveness from Algeria. Since Algeria's independence, Kabylie has always aspired to a special status and independence. However, this claim is pursued peacefully, while respecting the fundamental rights of peoples.

The desire for peace and fraternity with other Berber peoples.

Farid Bouchama emphasized that Kabyle independence activists aim to establish fraternal friendships with other Berber peoples. He expressed the desire to forge strong bonds with Kabyles, Souss, Rifains, and other Berber peoples present in North Africa. Kabylie aspires to a fraternity that transcends national borders and seeks recognition of its shared Berber identity.

The demand for a referendum on self-determination.

Farid Bouchama conveyed the demand of Kabyle independence activists to organize a referendum for self-determination in Kabylie. However, he emphasized that this struggle takes place peacefully, without seeking confrontation. Kabyle activists are engaged in a battle of ideas and debates, aiming to establish peace and promote the freedom of all peoples.

The struggle for independence in Kabylie is an essential fight for this region of Algeria. Independentist activists, represented by figures like Farid Bouchama, continue to peacefully advocate for their right to self-determination and their aspiration for a distinct identity. Their participation in the Taroudant International Festival of Popular Arts has strengthened connections with other Berber peoples and has given a voice to their struggle beyond national borders. Their fight, which encompasses civilizational, existential, and universal dimensions, reflects the deep desire of Kabylie to forge its own destiny and live in freedom.read more.

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