Alayah Pilgrim: A young Moroccan-Swiss football player courted by Morocco

by Location Taroudant

Alayah Pilgrim, a 20-year-old professional football player, is currently playing for FC Zurich. Her exceptional sporting journey has led to interest from Morocco, her country of origin, sparking deep contemplation regarding her final decision.

An outstanding journey in football

Alayah Pilgrim began playing football at the age of eight at FC Muri, a club in Switzerland. Despite the physical differences with boys, she climbed the ranks within FC Muri until the age of 14. She then joined a women's team at FC Aarau for two years before signing her first two-year professional contract with FC Basel 1893 at the age of 17.

Last summer, Alayah Pilgrim joined the prestigious FC Zurich, a club that boasts 24 Swiss championship titles and 15 victories in the Cup. Under the colors of FC Zurich, she gained valuable international experience by participating in the UEFA Women's Champions League (UWCL), where she faced renowned teams such as Arsenal, Lyon, and Juventus.

Aspirations to go abroad

Although her career has unfolded in Switzerland so far, Alayah Pilgrim nurtures the desire to play abroad. She contemplates the challenge of playing for other professional clubs outside her adopted country. Opportunities have already arisen, but she has chosen to remain loyal to FC Zurich for the time being, thanks to the trust she has felt from the club and her coach.

The rise of women's football in Morocco

Women's football in Morocco has experienced a remarkable rise in recent years, both at the local and continental level. Alayah Pilgrim is delighted to see the Royal Moroccan Football Federation investing in the Women's League and actively encouraging the development of women's football in the country. She highlights the fact that Morocco hosted the Women's Africa Cup of Nations last year and even reached the final of the competition, which was an extraordinary achievement.

While closely following the progress of women's football in Morocco, Alayah Pilgrim strongly advocates for supporting young girls from a young age and creating opportunities for them to take their first steps in football within their own country. She hopes that this momentum will continue to stimulate the growth of women's football in Morocco.

A difficult choice between two nations

As a Swiss-Moroccan, Alayah Pilgrim finds herself in a delicate position when it comes to choosing which nation to represent on the international stage. Being courted by both countries is seen as a privilege, but it raises a fundamental question for her. Having grown up and been trained in Switzerland, she feels a strong connection to the country, but she also recognizes the significance of her Moroccan heritage and roots.

The young football player has already received an official call-up to join the Moroccan national team but has not yet made a final decision. Her choice will be based on the support she feels for her development and future in either nation. She will also take into account her cultural affinities and linguistic comfort. Although she does not speak Arabic or French, she believes that German and English can also play an important role in her relationship with the national team.

High sporting ambitions and future projects

Alayah Pilgrim has great sporting ambitions for the future. In the immediate term, she plans to continue playing for FC Zurich and aspires to establish herself as a regular player there. Afterwards, she aims to take the next step in her career by joining a top-level club abroad. Regardless of the national team she ultimately chooses, she believes it is crucial to be a starter and play in a high-level league and club.

In addition to football, Alayah Pilgrim has developed another passion in the realm of social media. She enjoys engaging with her community and aims to continue developing this activity, which allows her to generate income while contributing to the promotion of women's football. She primarily identifies as a football player, but she believes that social media is an integral part of her identity and plays a crucial role in the acceptance and growing interest in women's football.

In summary, Alayah Pilgrim, a Moroccan-Swiss football player, is being courted by Morocco and holds high ambitions in her sporting career. Her remarkable journey and desire to play abroad showcase her determination and talent. As women's football in Morocco continues to flourish, Alayah Pilgrim closely observes the development of both nations she is interested in, with the goal of making a decision that will best support her growth and more.

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