An unforgettable trip to Morocco for the high school students of Jean-Moulin in Revin.

by Location Taroudant

Since 2014, high school students from Jean-Moulin in Revin have had the exceptional opportunity to travel to Morocco accompanied by their teachers. This trip, which serves the purpose of both exploring the country and engaging in humanitarian activities, has become a highly anticipated tradition among the students. This year, the expedition took place from May 24th to 31st, providing participants with a memorable and enriching experience.

Morocco: a fascinating destination full of cultural diversity.

Morocco, an enchanting country located at the crossroads of Africa and Europe, is filled with a wealth of cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty. The students from Jean-Moulin had the opportunity to explore this country of a thousand colors and ancient traditions. Their adventure led them to Taroudant, an authentic city nestled in the heart of the Atlas Mountains, renowned for its warm atmosphere and traditional houses known as "riads."

Humanitarian commitment: an experience that changes lives.

In addition to cultural exploration, this trip to Morocco provides high school students with a unique opportunity to engage in humanitarian actions. The young participants collaborated with Riad El Aissi, a local riad committed to sustainable development projects and assistance to local communities. Through their contribution, they were able to bring significant value to the existing initiatives and contribute to the well-being of the residents of Taroudant.

A week full of discoveries and emotions.

During their stay in Taroudant, the high school students were immersed in the daily life of Morocco. They participated in cultural workshops, learned to cook traditional dishes, and discovered local artisan crafts. Moreover, they had the opportunity to visit bustling souks, where they learned the art of negotiation to acquire unique souvenirs to take home with them.

Riad El Aissi: An authentic experience of Moroccan hospitality.

During their stay in Taroudant, the high school students had the privilege of staying at Riad El Aissi. This traditional riad provided comfortable accommodation and a friendly atmosphere, reflecting the legendary Moroccan hospitality. The students were able to enjoy the traditional architecture, lush gardens, and delicious local cuisine prepared with care.

The trip to Morocco for the students of Jean-Moulin High School in Revin is much more than just a tourist adventure. It is an experience of cultural discovery and humanitarian engagement that leaves an indelible mark on the students' minds. Through their participation in humanitarian actions and immersion in local life, they have not only enriched their knowledge but also made a real difference in the community of Taroudant. This trip will be forever etched in their memories, offering them precious moments and a newfound open-mindedness that will accompany them throughout their lives.Read more.

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