International Argan Tree Exhibition in Agadir: A landmark event to promote the ecosystem and socio-economic development.

by Location Taroudant
The International Argan Tree Exhibition: A grand celebration in Agadir.

The International Argan Tree Exhibition, an emblematic event, opened its doors on Wednesday in Agadir, offering a rich and diverse program. The argan tree holds a privileged position in the Moroccan agricultural and forestry landscape, being a vital pillar of a unique agro-silvo-pastoral system. It also serves as a source of income for numerous cooperatives.

The International Argan Tree Exhibition: A major event for the industry and socio-economic development.

The highly anticipated International Argan Tree Exhibition is taking place from May 17th to 21st, 2023 in Agadir, showcasing the argan tree, its ecosystem, and its socio-economic impact. With the theme "Local Socio-Economic Development and Sustainability of the Argan Tree Ecosystem," this event brings together hundreds of argan tree producers, processors, and distributors. It provides a unique opportunity to promote the activities of the argan industry and explore new perspectives for the sector. This exhibition follows the International Argan Tree Day celebrated on May 10th by the United Nations.

Argan: A global demand steadily increasing.

Argan continues to attract new markets every year, thanks to its multiple virtues. Argan oil, in particular, exported 965,000 tons in 2022, generating a turnover of 378 million dirhams. This growth in the sector is the result of efforts made to rehabilitate and preserve the argan tree. The argan forest biosphere reserve covers 2.5 million hectares, and argan forests span approximately 830,000 hectares in the semi-arid areas of central Morocco as of 2021. A rehabilitation program for the argan forest has been implemented, restoring 209,000 hectares in recent years. The "Forests of Morocco" strategy also aims to rehabilitate 400,000 hectares by 2030. These efforts contribute to strengthening the argan industry and ensuring its sustainability.

The development of the argan tree: Promising programs and results.

The rehabilitation of the argan tree is supported by various programs and initiatives. Between 2012 and 2021, 10,000 hectares were planted through the arganiculture program. The number of approved nurseries increased from 0 to 41 between 2014 and 2022. The National Agency of Water and Forests has funded numerous socio-economic development projects within the argan tree sector, totaling over 871 projects with a budget of more than 1.7 billion dirhams. As part of the "Generation Green" agricultural strategy, the objectives for the argan tree by 2030 include expanding arganiculture to 50,000 hectares, producing 10,000 tons of argan oil, and packaging 50% of the production. Additionally, a dedicated digital platform will facilitate the marketing of 10% of argan products by 2025 and 30% by 2030.

The International Argan Tree Exhibition: An enriching and entertaining rendezvous.

This year, the International Argan Tree Exhibition offers an immersive experience into the world of the argan forest. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore diverse exhibitions and participate in various cultural and artistic activities. The event takes place at the Argane Boulevard space in Club les Dunes d'Or and at the Argan Village in Al Inbiâat Square. The Argane Boulevard space features a wide range of eco-responsible exhibitions, a dedicated area for beauty and well-being, a space showcasing ancestral know-how, as well as an artistic and cultural area, a space for start-ups, and a tasting zone. The Argan Village, on the other hand, welcomes cooperatives (total of 200) and offers an Amazigh music area where traditional dances and sounds harmonize. The first edition of the exhibition in 2019 was a resounding success, attracting over 120,000 visitors and more than a hundred exhibitors.

The argan tree holds an emblematic position in the Moroccan agricultural and forestry landscape. The International Argan Tree Exhibition celebrates this natural wealth and highlights its socio-economic impact. Through rehabilitation and preservation efforts, the argan tree industry continues to thrive, attracting new markets worldwide. The numbers speak for its success, with argan oil exports reaching 965,000 tons in 2022. Rehabilitation programs and initiatives supported by the National Agency of Water and Forests and the National Agency for the Development of Oasis Zones and Argan Trees (ANDZOA) play a crucial role in the growth of the argan tree industry. The International Argan Tree Exhibition provides a unique opportunity to showcase the activities of this industry and foster new opportunities for the sector. By preserving and promoting the argan tree, Morocco continues to protect a valuable natural more.

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