New courthouses and a regional hospital in Taroudant: an essential development for the region.

by Location Taroudant

La région d’Agadir-Inzegane et Taroudant connaîtront bientôt des avancées significatives dans leurs infrastructures judiciaires et de santé. En effet, la société de développement local (SDL) Agadir Souss-Massa Aménagement est chargée de la réalisation de deux projets majeurs : la construction des palais de justice d’Agadir-Inzegane et de Taroudant, ainsi que l’aménagement du centre hospitalier régional Hassan II à Agadir. Ces développements visent à rapprocher les services de la justice et de la santé des citoyens de la région, réduisant ainsi les contraintes géographiques et améliorant l’accès aux services essentiels.

Agadir-Inzegane Courthouse: a major advancement for the region

The Agadir-Inzegane courthouse will be a modern judicial complex housing the Inzegane-Aït Meloul Court of First Instance, the Family Court, as well as the Commercial and Administrative Courts of Appeal. Spread over an area of nearly 2 hectares, this 3-story courthouse will provide adequate space for the different jurisdictions. The construction works required for its establishment will involve an estimated budget of 125 million dirhams. The local development company Agadir Souss-Massa Aménagement will oversee the various stages of this project, from the main structure to the exterior facilities.

A new courthouse in Taroudant for accessible justice

In order to enhance access to justice, a courthouse will also be built in Taroudant. This project, estimated to cost 131 million dirhams, will include a Court of First Instance, a Family Court, the Regional Archiving Center, and the Resident Judge Center. The construction site will be located on a land area of 2.2 hectares and will have a 2-story structure, ensuring modern facilities for the different judicial services. Previously, residents of Taroudant had to travel nearly 300 kilometers to Marrakech to attend their cases before the Administrative and Commercial Courts of Appeal. The construction of this courthouse will bring judicial services closer to the citizens and facilitate their access to justice.

Hassan II Regional Hospital: an essential medical infrastructure

Simultaneously, the Agadir Souss-Massa Aménagement SDL will also be responsible for the development of the Hassan II Regional Hospital in Agadir. With a budget of 75 million dirhams, this project aims to modernize the medical facilities and meet the needs of the local population. The Ministry of Health will ensure the supply of biomedical equipment, with a budget of 60 million dirhams, while the Souss-Massa Regional Council and the Urban Municipality of Agadir will contribute 50 million and 25 million dirhams respectively to support the project.

The construction projects of the Agadir-Inzegane and Taroudant courthouses, as well as the development of the Hassan II Regional Hospital in Agadir, demonstrate the Moroccan government's commitment to strengthening essential infrastructure in the region. These developments will bring judicial and healthcare services closer to the citizens, thereby facilitating access to these crucial services. They will also contribute to stimulating economic and social development in the region. With the involvement of the local development company Agadir Souss-Massa Aménagement, these projects are intended to improve the quality of life for residents in the Agadir-Inzegane and Taroudant more.

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