Discover the best activities to do in Taroudant outside of Riad El Aissi.

by Location Taroudant

If you're looking for activities to do in Taroudant outside of Riad El Aissi, you've come to the right place! We have compiled a list of the best things to do and see in the region so that you can fully enjoy your stay. Follow us to discover exciting activities, historical sites, and must-visit tourist attractions.

Enjoy the surrounding nature:

Taroudant is surrounded by mountains and spectacular natural landscapes. You can take a stroll through the Tioute palm grove, located approximately 25 kilometers from Taroudant. This palm oasis has been the setting for numerous films, including "Lawrence of Arabia." You can also explore the Anti-Atlas Mountains, where you can go hiking, enjoy panoramic views, and discover traditional Berber villages.

Explore the history of the city:

Taroudant is an ancient city that was founded in the 8th century. It is surrounded by pisé ramparts dating back to the Saadian era. The old town is also filled with historical sites such as the Al-Qsar Mosque and the Kasbah. You can wander through the narrow streets of the medina, explore the vibrant souks, and meet local artisans.

Relax in the gardens and parks:

Taroudant is known for its gardens and parks, which are perfect for relaxing after a day of exploration. Moulay Hassan Park is a popular public park with mature trees, fountains, and playgrounds for children. Talaa Garden is also a pleasant spot to unwind, with shaded pathways and a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains.

Discover the local traditions:

Taroudant is a Berber city that has preserved many local traditions and customs. You can visit women's cooperatives where Berber women produce argan oil, soap, and other handmade products. You can also attend a Gnawa music performance, a traditional Moroccan music that blends African and Berber influences.

Embark on an adventure in the Anti-Atlas Mountains:

Les montagnes de l’Anti-Atlas offrent une multitude d’activités d’aventure, telles que la randonnée, le VTT et les promenades à dos de chameau. Vous pouvez visiter des villages berbères traditionnels, découvrir les cultures locales et admirer les paysages spectaculaires de cette région.

Taste the local cuisine and explore the markets:

Taroudant is renowned for its delicious local cuisine, including meat tajine and fresh seafood. You can taste these dishes at local restaurants or venture into the souks of the medina to purchase fresh ingredients and prepare your own meals. The Taroudant market is also a vibrant place where you can buy spices, fabrics, and local handicrafts.

By combining these activities, you will be able to fully enjoy your stay in Taroudant. Don't forget to book your accommodation at Riad El Aissi to experience authentic Moroccan hospitality.

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