Legal Battle for the Prestigious Riad Gazelle d'Or in Taroudant: Othman Benjelloun vs. Ghita Bennis

by Location Taroudant

Nestled in the picturesque alleys of Taroudant, Morocco, is a hotel gem once highly favored by the jet set: the splendid Riad Gazelle d'Or. However, this renowned establishment, which once hosted the Chirac couple along with numerous celebrities, is currently at the center of a legal battle between two influential figures: banker Othman Benjelloun, president of the Bank of Africa (BOA), and entrepreneur Ghita Bennis, owner of this exceptional riad.

A Tale of Connections and Precedence

Both coming from the high Fassi bourgeoisie, Othman Benjelloun and Ghita Bennis have moved in the elegant and influential circles of Moroccan society for several decades. Othman Benjelloun, not only the president of BOA but also one of the wealthiest individuals in Africa, has close ties to Riad Gazelle d'Or. He is no stranger to the luxurious rooms of this establishment, described as the "best place in the world" by the late David Rockefeller. In fact, he has held prestigious board meetings there, showcasing his involvement in this splendid setting.

Gazelle d'Or: A Witness to Bygone Eras

Once a favored retreat for the Chirac couple and other prominent figures, Gazelle d'Or has witnessed iconic moments in contemporary history. From laughter echoing in the mosaic-adorned courtyards to lively discussions during board meetings, this establishment has been the backdrop to various unforgettable scenes.

The Ongoing Legal Conflict

However, the serenity of Gazelle d'Or is currently disrupted by a legal saga that pits Othman Benjelloun against Ghita Bennis. While these two personalities once shared privileged connections with this prestigious riad, their relationship has taken a litigious turn. The Bank of Africa, of which Othman Benjelloun is the president, is involved in a legal dispute with Ghita Bennis regarding the ownership and management of this iconic establishment.

The Stakes of Riad Gazelle d'Or's Survival

For Riad Gazelle d'Or, it's not just a matter of ownership and power, but also a question of survival. Its rich history and international reputation make it a true treasure of Moroccan hotel heritage. This legal battle raises crucial questions about the future of this historic site and its legacy.

As legal debates continue, Riad Gazelle d'Or in Taroudant remains a silent witness to a struggle between two figures in Moroccan society. The resolution of this case will impact not only the ownership of this prestigious establishment but also its role in Morocco's cultural and social history. One thing is certain: the history of Gazelle d'Or continues to captivate, whether through tales of its glorious past or ongoing developments that will shape its more.

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