Aurèle de Merode and Estelle Hanet, the "Mariés de l'Atlas" (Married of the Atlas).

by Location Taroudant

On May 28, 2023, in Morocco, Prince Aurèle de Merode and his wife Estelle celebrated their wedding in Taroudant, at the foot of the Moroccan Atlas Mountains. This grand event brought together the crème de la crème of Belgian aristocracy for two days of enchantment, immersed in the magical atmosphere of the Thousand and One Nights.

The invitations, true works of art in watercolor, announced the different moments of this unique celebration: a chic outfit with morning coat and hat for the nuptial blessing and the "under the palm trees" banquet; an Oriental elegance for the "Moroccan Enchantment" on the terraces of the house; light colors the next day for the "Berber Lunch."

The chosen venue for the celebration was El Oued, in Taroudant, the estate of Aurèle's maternal grandparents, Baron and Baroness Gillion Crowet. Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Hanet, as well as Prince and Princess Amaury de Merode, the parents of the bride and groom, invited their loved ones to celebrate this union. The warmth of the spring sun contrasted with the ravine banks of the dried-up stream, while the snow-capped peaks of the Atlas Mountains stood majestically in the distance.

A celebration in an enchanting setting

This prestigious event was an opportunity to bring together families and friends in a magnificent setting, highlighting the beauty of Taroudant and its surrounding landscapes. The Riad El Aïssi, a haven of peace located in the heart of this historic city, welcomed some guests to provide them with an authentic and refined experience. With its traditional houses and Moroccan architecture, the Riad El Aïssi perfectly complemented the enchanting atmosphere of the wedding.

Discovering the magic of Taroudant

Taroudant, also known as "Little Marrakech," enchanted the guests with its ochre ramparts, bustling streets, and picturesque souks. The attendees had the opportunity to explore the historic medina, discover local craftsmanship, and indulge in the delights of Moroccan cuisine.

The love and harmony between two prestigious families

The union of Aurèle de Merode and Estelle Hanet symbolized the love and harmony between two prestigious families. This remarkable event will be etched in the memories, both for its magnificence and for the moments of shared happiness...Read More

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